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Velista® (Fungicide)

Velista® fungicide offers broad-spectrum disease control in an SDHI fungicide. Spring and fall are ideal seasons to clean up greens, tees and fairways. In addition to controlling anthracnose, Velista® also protects against dollar spot, brown patch. When used in rotation or in combination with other fungicides, Velista® delivers excellent control of summer stress diseases on greens when temperatures rise.

Label & SDS Summary

Active Ingredient: Penthiopyrad

Approved Province(s):

Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan

Approved Uses:

Turf, On Golf Courses, Turfgrass, Turfgrass, recreational

Product Benefits
  • Offers broad-spectrum disease control in an SDHI fungicide.
  • Penthiopyrad exhibits translaminar and xylem systemic movement on treated turf
  • The water-dispersible granular (WDG) formulation allows for easy mixing and application
  • Provides disease control for 14-21 days
  • Outstanding control for spring and fall clean-up
  • Excellent control of summer stress diseases
Mode of Action

Velista® controls turf diseases by blocking respiration through a mode of action different from other fungicides on the market. The inhibition of respiration stops spore germination and mycelia growth.

Mode of Action: Mitochondrial respiration inhibitor

Class of Chemistry

Velista® contains the active ingredient penthiopyrad and is formulated as a water-dispersible granular (WDG). The WDG formulation allows for easy mixing and application to turf. One bottle treats one acre at the 15g rate.

FRAC Group: 7


Turf Safety:

Penthiopyrad is not cross-resistant with other classes of fungicide chemistry, like triazoles and other ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors, strobilurins and other complex III (QoI) inhibitors, anilinopyrimidines, dicarboximides, benzimidazoles and N-phenylcarbamates.

For Control Of:

  • Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa)
  • Anthracnose (Colletotrichum cereale)
  • Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani)


Case Size: 6 x 624 g jugs

Case Coverage: 2.4 - 4 ha (6 - 10 acres)

Application Information

Use Rates:

9 - 15 g /100m2

Application interval:  14 - 21 days

Water Volume:

2.0 - 8.0 L water / 100m2

Application Information:

  • For best control, use as a component of an integrated disease management program.
  • Begin applications when conditions are favourable for disease infection and prior to disease symptom expression.
  • Apply after mowing.
  • Apply in sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage. Apply the recommended rates as indicated in the directions for use using up to 40 L / 100m2 or 4,000 L/ha. Apply with a properly calibrated sprayer.
  • Apply after mowing OR allow sprayed area to completely dry before mowing.
  • For control of foliar diseases, allow sprayed area to completely dry before irrigation.
  • Under conditions optimum for high disease pressure, use the higher rate.
  • For optimum turf quality and disease control, use Velista® Fungicide in conjunction with turf management practices that promote good plant health and optimum disease control.

Nozzles: Syngenta XC 025, Syngenta XC 04, Syngenta XC 08, AI 11008

Mixing Order:

Important: Application equipment must be clean and free of previous pesticide deposits before mixing VELISTA Fungicide.

  1. Use clean, well maintained application equipment.
  2. Fill sprayer tank 1/4 to 1/2 full of water.
  3. Follow the www.WALES mixing sequence for all tank mixes.
  4. Then add Velista® Fungicide directly to the mixing or sprayer tank.
  5. Mix thoroughly to fully disperse the Velista® Fungicide and continue agitation to keep the
    product in suspension. Use mechanical or hydraulic agitation. Do not use air agitation.
  6. The mixture should not be stored in the mixing or spray tank overnight.

Use Restrictions:

  • DO NOT apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
  • DO NOT apply more than 67.5 g of Velista® Fungicide per 100m2 per year or 6.75 kg of Velista® Fungicide per hectare per year.
  • Keep people and pets away from areas treated with Velista® Fungicide until treated area has dried.
  • DO NOT apply this product on food or feed crops

Worker Safety
Wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes, socks and chemical resistant gloves while mixing/loading, applying and during clean up and repair.


Always read and follow label directions. Please use this information above only as a guideline and not an exact description. Velista® is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.