Primo MAXX® is a unique management tool that allows golf course superintendents to better manage turfgrass on their courses. It does this by actually altering the way turfgrass grows, resulting in more compact, healthier grass that produces fewer clippings.
Active Ingredient: Trinexapac-ethyl
Approved Province(s):
Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan
Approved Uses:
Sod Farms, Turfgrass
Mode of Action: Gibberellic acid inhibitor (late GA synthesis)
Turf Safety:
Environmental conditions, management, and cultural practices that affect turf growth and vigour will influence the response of the turf to PRIMO MAXX applications. Fertility level, moisture availability, plant vigour, height, and frequency of mowing, have been shown to influence the activity of PRIMO MAXX.
PRIMO MAXX may cause temporary yellowing. This usually disappears about one week after application. To minimize yellowing and to enhance the green colour of turf, apply readily available nitrogen at 0.1- 0.25 kg of actual nitrogen per 100m2. If desirable, recommended rates of iron per 100m2 can also be used.
Note: In the absence of a repeated application, turf treated with PRIMO MAXX may grow more rapidly than untreated turf for several weeks following a period of suppressed growth.
For Control Of:
Plant Growth Regulation
Case Size: 2 X 3.78 L jugs
Case Coverage: 2.36 - 18.9 ha (5.83 - 46.7 acres)
Use Rates:
Recommended PRIMO MAXX Application Rates1 See below for notes.
Water Volume:
2.0 - 15 L water / 100m2
Application Information:
Mixing Order:
Use Restrictions:
Wear coveralls over a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, chemical-resistant gloves, socks and shoes during mixing, loading, application, clean-up and repair. Gloves are not required during application within a closed cab. In addition, wear protective eyewear (goggles or face shield) during mixing and loading.
DO NOT use leather or cloth gloves. Rinse gloves with soap and water before removal and wash hands.
Disclaimer – ALWAYS read and follow label directions. Please use this information above only as a guideline and not an exact description.
Always read and follow label directions. Please use this information above only as a guideline and not an exact description. Primo Maxx® is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.