Heritage Maxx® fungicide is formulated to defend against both soilborne and foliar diseases without compromise. This unique strobilurin is absorbed into leaves and sheaths when applied and also moves from the soil into the roots. From there, it translocates up throughout the entire blade, providing control of turf diseases for up to 28 days.
Active Ingredient: Azoxystrobin
Approved Province(s):
Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan
Approved Uses:
Greenhouse Ornamentals, Ornamentals, Outdoors, Turf, On Golf Courses, Turfgrass, sod
Azoxystrobin, the active ingredient (AI) in Heritage Maxx®, is taken into turf blades quickly for protection upon application. However, a significant portion of Heritage Maxx remains on the leaf surface. Upon irrigation, rainfall, or even a heavy dew, this remaining AI is washed down the surface of the turf. Some is then absorbed into the leaf, but the majority of Heritage Maxx moves into and through thatch to the soil. Here it is further absorbed by the roots to control soilborne diseases and continues up through the entire turfgrass plant for additional foliar protection.
Mode of Action: Respiration inhibitor
Turf Safety:
HERITAGE MAXX is specially engineered with sub-micron sized particles that provide quicker uptake in the plant, making it available sooner to fight tough diseases.
For Control Of:
Case Size: 2 x 3.78 L jugs
Case Coverage: 0.6 – 4.7 ha (1.5 - 11.8 acres)
Use Rates:
Brown Patch: 32 mL / 100 m2
Waitea Patch (Brown Ring Patch): 32 - 63 mL / 100m2
Microdochium Patch (Fusarium Patch): 32 - 63 mL / 100m2
Microdochium Patch (SUPPRESSION): 16 mL / 100m2
Gray Snow Mould: 95 - 126 mL / 100m2
Anthracnose: 32 - 63 mL / 100m2
Fairy Ring: 63 mL / 100m2
Leaf Spot and Melting-Out: 32 - 63 mL / 100m2
Summer Patch: 32 - 63 mL / 100m2
Take-all Patch: 63 mL / 100m2
Water Volume:
Apply the required amount of HERITAGE MAXX Fungicide in 8 to 16 litres of water per 100m2 (800 to 1600 litres per hectare).
Application Information:
Best results will be achieved when Heritage MAXX is applied as a preventive treatment when disease is predicted by GreenCast or at the very earliest stages of disease symptom expression. Repeat applications at specified intervals and do not apply more than 28.4 L of Heritage Maxx Fungicide per hectare per year. Use the shorter specified application interval when prolonged disease conditions exist.
Application Method: Ground
Mixing Order:
To prepare spray solution, partially fill the spray tank with clean water and begin agitation. Add the specified amount of HERITAGE MAXX Fungicide to the tank, allowing time for good dispersion. Finish filling the tank to the desired volume to obtain the proper spray concentration. Maintain agitation throughout the spraying operation. Do not allow spray mixture to stand overnight or for prolonged periods. Make up only the amount of spray required for immediate use.
Use Restrictions:
Disclaimer – ALWAYS read and follow label directions. Please use this information above only as a guideline and not an exact description.
Always read and follow label directions. Please use this information above only as a guideline and not an exact description. Heritage Maxx® is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.